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U.S./Russian Relations in a Historical Perspective
Ivan Kurilla's first field of interest is the history of US – Russian relations in the 19th Century, especially during antebellum and Civil War periods of the American history.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Oopik Auditorium, Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center
Ivan Kurilla's first field of interest is the history of US – Russian relations in the 19th Century, especially during antebellum and Civil War periods of the American history. Besides, he has organized workshops, published articles and edited volumes on the theme of the use of history, historical memory and historical politics in Russia and on the Post-Soviet space (including problems of school history textbooks, memorials and monuments erection and destruction, "memorial legislation", regional historical narratives and so on). Kurilla has also published articles on the relations between the State and Society in contemporary Russia. Kurilla's articles were published in the leading Russian historical journals, as well as in Journal of American History, Nationalities Papers, Demokratizatsiya, Journal of Cold War Studies, Problems of Post-Communism. He also authored five monographs (and coauthored and coedited several more); in 2010 he translated into Russian a classic monograph by Perry Anderson "Lineages of the Absolutist State". Ivan Kurilla has been a recipient of several prestigious grants, including Fulbright Scholarship (2001-2002) that he spent at Dartmouth College, and Kennan Institute grants.
Free and open to the public.
For more information, contact:
Laura Belback