Welcome Ainsley Morse!
Ainsley Morse is the most recent addition to the Russian Department. She will be teaching RUSS 1, RUSS 2 and RUSS 7.
[more]Ainsley Morse is the most recent addition to the Russian Department. She will be teaching RUSS 1, RUSS 2 and RUSS 7.
[more]Dartmouth's first female professor was an accomplished linguist and Russian language expert. Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood had lived in Russia for several years, published articles and established a program in Russian language and culture at Columbia University.
[more]A group of Russian Department students with Alfia Rakova learned abou Russian culture in Boston, MA.
[more]Students in the Creative Writing in Russian course collaboratively wrote a 180-page long epistolary novel (a novel in letters) entirely in Russian. The events of the novel take place in contemporary Russia, with the plot of the novel loosely based on Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
[more]Congratulations to the winners of the Annual ACTR National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest. In this year’s contest, there were 1366 essays submitted from 61 universities, colleges, and institutions across the nation.