The Talking Dead: Articulating the “Zombified” Subject Under Putin
Eliot Borenstein, Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies, New York University, Monday, May 13, 2019, 4:00 pm, Carson L01 , free and open to the public.
[more]Eliot Borenstein, Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies, New York University, Monday, May 13, 2019, 4:00 pm, Carson L01 , free and open to the public.
[more]Stuart Finkel is the most recent addition to the Russian Department after many years teaching history at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is not entirely new to Dartmouth, however, having previously taught as a visitor including courses on the Russian Revolution, Soviet history and culture, and the history of human rights.
[more]The Russian LSA+ students enjoyed a variety of experiences at the summer 2018 LSA.
[more]Cine Salon: In Person: Barry Scherr, Professor Emeritus of Russian, Nov. 19, 2018, 7 pm, Howe Library, Mayer Room, Österreichischen Filmmuseum Vienna has preserved two series of Kino newsreels produced by legendary documentarian Dziga Vertov.
[more]Monday, January 7: General orientation at 6-7; Dartmouth Hall 105, Russian tryouts 7-8, Reed Hall, Tuesday, January 8: 6-7, Reed Hall, Wednesday, January 9: 6-7, Reed Hall 103, Jury selection: Thursday, January 10: 4-5, Reed Hall 108